Monday, January 7, 2013

What positive or negative effects do you think technology have on students?

Read the following article "Is the Internet hurting children?" and give your thoughts and opinions.

The article notes that, "By the time they're 2 years old, more than 90% of all American children have an online history. At 5, more than 50% regularly interact with a computer or tablet device, and by 7 or 8, many kids regularly play video games. Teenagers text an average of 3,400 times a month. The fact is, by middle school, our kids today are spending more time with media than with their parents or teachers, and the challenges are vast: from the millions of young people who regret by high school what they've already posted about themselves online to the widely documented rise in cyberbullying to the hypersexualization of female characters in video games".


  1. I agree, that the internet is effecting children s minds til this day. There are millions of children who talk back to their elders because of what they see on TV. When children watch movies that are provocative it will make them want to try what they see such as cursing, and R rated scenes containing adults, which most children are already sexually active at a young age.

    1. I agree! This is a good point. I think the Internet does affect children minds.

    2. I agree with you because the things children see on tv these days, they are bound to copy it and do the same thing, just because they saw a famous person do it.

  2. Technology is taking over. Most students spend more time with their technology and lose focus.While others spend most of their time using technology during educational activities.

    1. I agree that some students do use technology for educational purposes, but yes technology is taking over because its redirecting us as students to a different mind frame. Some students spend time out of school/ drop out behind technology, whether its because of a fight or because of the bad person that technology caused them to be.

  3. Technology is messing up our life. Because now people don't even care about education they only think about the technology they have.

  4. I agree, the internet has some negative things as well as positive. The Internet effects children minds in many ways. They spend more time on the Internet than their education. There are websites that makes them get attracted. There are different ways to use technology.

    1. You can use technology for school assignments, to study, to apply for things, to listen to music, and to do other fun things

    2. I agree, because the internet does have a huge negative effect on children these days. Instead of them doing their work like they suppose to, they on the internet doing other stuff instead of trying to get their education.

  5. I agree with the quote that "by middle school, our kids are spending more time on the internet more than their parents or teachers" & I agree because even the media have alot of my attention at times!

  6. I agree, that today technology is wrecking the minds of younger children. Children watch to much television and play to many video games each and everyday. From this it causes the children to act out in an unrespectable way to their parents.

  7. I agree that the internet is taking over because now-a-days you have to use technology for everything just about. When kids see things that others do on tv or online it makes them want to try to do it. A lot of teenagers take their problems to social networks and everybody and their mama will now about their business then. I never really understood why they do that. On the other hand we use technology in school, 24/7 but teachers always complaining about us using technology at home. If you guys are going to complain about us using technology why would you guys have us using technology all the time? I mean technology is technology.


  8. To me, it depends if the child is spending too much time on the internet. I think there should be time spent using the internet but not a lot of it because there are more things outside to be discovered than on the internet or on a website. I think children should always get out the house and do things prior to making new friends, playing outside games, joining community clubs and other hands on things. Texting is a whole different thing to me. Making your environment safer is okay by keeping children away from the internet but you cant hide it or take it away. They should have some kind of freedom.

    1. --- Jakinula . This Is My Comment ABOVE!

  9. I totally agree that the internet is hurting young children. I think that young children should not be able to make an facebook or twitter until they are older. They heard about it when their parents or other people talk about it around thenm. Playing video games, or watching tv can affect their minds and the way they see things today.

  10. Technology can be a positive or negative thing but it depends on how you use it. It could be used in a negative way such as posting/sending inappropriate pictures playing games,and watching television it can affect younger children. Children are learning from what they see and hear in their environment, television, computer, & etc. Whatever the young children see they are doing it and they think it right because others are doing it.

  11. I think in today's society technology has taken over the world. Technology has affected the world in negative ways. Some are that kids now don't know how to read and write on a reagular bases & they are finding out about bad things at an early age. Meanwhile, it is influencing the kids to take part in things that can get them in trouble such as getting lockedup, paying fines or maybe even put on probation. Also, children that learn how to work technology early finds out about things that they are better off not knowing. Some get into sexually related and cyberbullying sites. These sites can get you into something that's possibly unable to get out of.

    1. I agree with you because teenagers these days can't read a textbook in the classroom but when they get a text message, they can read it in less than 1 minute. Or even a teenager that can't write a one page paper in the time limit of one class period but can send 20,000 text messages in one month !!

  12. I believe that technology is a mind-wrecking source because it can get older children in trouble for cyber bullying or child pornography. On the other hand, I think that technology is the best way to do research or even to help young children learn faster and better. I feel that a young child will learn better with the use of technology anyway.

  13. Technology offers an abundance of information both scholarly and non-scholarly. However, I think technology has made us lazy. Adults and children are not as active as they were years ago due to how easy technology has made everything.

  14. In postive thinking, children learn better and faster with the internet. Children will not have to sit in a boring atmosphere all day learning the "old-fashioned" way. In a negativly thinking aspect, the internet is a pandemic that spreads with new technology every 4 to 6 months. Children spend all day on the internet. They could be cyberbullying but you won't know because they hardly spend anytime with you.

  15. I really an truly can rely on that out of 9 or 10 people in this world today are getting effected about the things that are posted on the internet. Social websites such as: Facebook, Twiiter ect. have to much drama. And people post pictures that can maybe sometimes embarass someone else. Today i would say its most deffinetely hurting people but,some people may just avoid it .
