Thursday, October 18, 2012

UNICEF - Early Childhood - The big picture

UNICEF - Early Childhood - The big picture

1. Read this article and give your thoughts and opinions about what could improve Early Childhood around the world.


  1. Belinda D. ArmstrongDecember 14, 2012 at 8:52 AM

    I think that things could improve for children if people from different countries such as the U.S. would help third world and developing countries improve their state of living. Countries like us and Asia are far more advanced and have access to more technological equipment that is useful to others and not just for our own benefits. We could use these advancements to help send food, water, donations and other things necessary to kids and their full development.

    1. I also agree, because if everyone give a helping hand then everyone can be equal everywhere. Different countries play a big part in supplying for others.

    2. I agree with Belinda and Chakera 100%. I think we should be able to help other countries with different things.

    3. I agree with this because to me everyone should participate in helping children in other countries. Then if we do this everything would be cool, we won't have children starving and unhealthy.

  2. I agree, because when children don't have the proper care that they need then they wouldn't be healthy. Children need a person that's going to care for them because that's what make a child the person that they are today.When there's a fit parent their for them they'll make sure that their child is healthy, free from illness, and a stable home.

    1. Belinda D. ArmstrongDecember 14, 2012 at 9:09 AM

      I agree w/ you because w/o proper care and fit parents a child would be in a horrible condition.

    2. I agree. Every child deserves to be cared for. They need a parent that is going to protect them, love them, teach them right from wrong, and care for them.

    3. I agree, the reason I agree with this is because to me every child needs someone that will keep them safe, healthy,and that will care for them.

  3. I think that it is a great idea that they are trying to raise the way their standard of liviing is.

    1. Belinda D. ArmstrongDecember 14, 2012 at 9:08 AM

      I agree w/ you because their standard of living needs to be elevated from the current state it's in.

    2. I strongly agree. It is a very great idea to raise the way they should live.

  4. If only more people cared about society then the children around the world would be okay. The more parents and teachers that are willing to teach and prepare the children for school and the real world then I'm pretty sure most kids don't mind taking heed of those skills and techniques. Most children love the fact the someone loves and cares about their needs and wants.

    1. Belinda D. ArmstrongDecember 14, 2012 at 9:14 AM

      I agree April, because when kids feel loved and cared about they are willing to be more open to learning and focusing on what's in their surroundings.

    2. I agree, because children are looking for someone to care for them. That's one of the reasons why children turn out the way they are today because they don't have a person that's going to love them, and supply them with their needs.

    3. I strongly agree because, every child deserves to be cared & loved for. They need someone to supply them with their proper needs.

    4. I agree because the parents are the ones who sculpt the children's way of doing things and if the parent doesn't care about society then that mean they pay their children no mind and the children may not want to do anymore than they have to do.

    5. I agree with this because no matter what, every child should be cared for and loved. These children need attention and nutrition and benefits.

  5. Every child should be kept safe in a home, loved for, and cared for. I think that every child deserve to be provided with proper care.

  6. I agree, because children do need someone that's going to make sure that they have a place to stay, and make sure all needs are met

  7. Well for me I think that children all over the world needs proper care. These children need someone that will take care of them, and that will provide nutrition and benefits to keep the child healthy and safe.

  8. I think that if everyone is being treated fairly everywhere such as in diffrent countries. All some people want is for someone to care for them and love them. The more each person give they are more and likely to recieve. Things can improve if everyone just help one another. All children want is attention most of the time.

  9. I think that every child needs to be pushed a little bit more. Because without the "Tough Love" from their parents, the children began to fall in grades and then eventualy drop out of school leaving college out of the question and society droping to the ground.

  10. I totally agree, we need more people trying to help kids and make it a better place. I think that every child should be in a safe place with food for them to eat and also the perfect type of love they need. If only people cared about others and not just themselves.

  11. I honestly think society today doesnt care about the other poor countries when they should. If it was up to me, I would help out as much as I can. Doing anything that would help out.

  12. ./go/anonymouscommentshelp

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