Thursday, March 21, 2013

What are your most prized possessions?

A photographer named Gabriele Galimberti completed a project called "Toy Stories". The project consisted of children pictures from around the world with their most "prized possessions" which were their toys. 

The pictures are very interesting and unique.  When you view them think about how life must be for each of the children, and take note of the major differences that you see among the pictures

What do you cherish?  What are your most prized possessions?  Why are they important to you? 

Reference: Gabriele Galimberti


  1. I found it very interesting in which all around the world different little children play with a variety of different things. In my life my most prized possession is my phone and also working with little babies.The reason this is important to me is because I love working with and playing with babies. And I love texting and being on my phone.

    1. I agree with you that your most prized possession is working with babies. I love that also.

    2. I agree working with children is important because kids, especially babies, need love and affection.

    3. I agree with loving babies,and with me having a kid of my own, I really do love and cherish my child.

    4. Now I myself can truely say that I have a way with toddlers as well. As soon as they see me, it's like we form a bond so quickly. We connect instantly. I love kids and they love me.

  2. I thought that it was surprising to see that almost all of the children had a stuffed animal regardless of their origin. Also, I noticed that the children whom had a lot of toys seemed happier than those without. My most prized possession is my t.v. because it is filled with a million interesting topics designed to eliminate boredom.

    1. I agree with you on the part about almost all the children having a stuffed animal no matter where they live.It's amazing..

    2. I strongly agree about your most prized possession which is your tv because, you can watch many things on television to eliminate boredom.

    3. I truely agree with you on that part,Some children seemed more happier with more toys than the ones with less toys.

    4. I agree that television is something that should be prized and like you said, it does help eliminate boredom and, yes all of the kids did have a stuffed animal & that was one of the commonalities about the project that i liked.

    5. Yes,some kids had less toys than others. Some kids looked happy and many looked as if they didn't even have an emotions. I'm really not a t.v. person so I can't really comment on that.

  3. My child is my most prized possession.He's my everything, he's truly a blessing to me.

    1. I agree, children are a blessing, and gifts from God

  4. My most prized possession is my family. They are the most important people in my life that takes good care of me, spoil me, and support me. I cherish infants and toddlers the most.

    1. I agree with family, almost being everyone's prized possession, because their is nothing like family. Family is there always for you, through thick and thin.

  5. I cherish my computer and cell phone. They are important to me because that's how I communicate with the outside world. The major differences in the pictures shown above are many of the kids aren't in ideal living conditions and they are very unfortunate compared to other kids in the same project.

    1. I agree that communication is a very important part of our society. In America, a cell phone is almost a necessity. However, some the children in the photos may never have this pleasure though they are still content with a few simple toys.

  6. One thing that I cherish the most are my pictures from my childhood to now. I cherish these items because I like to look at how much I have grown since my childhood. I also love to see what I did as a child just to see if I am still doing it now as a growing adult. People say a picture is worth a thousand words but I think mines are worth so much more.

    1. Pictures are really awesome. They let you keep memories even after you forget. The children in the photos with excessive toys may see them later and look back on how privileged they were and be inspired to help those in need.

  7. My prized possession is my family. Without my family I dont know how my life will be right now. My family will stay by my side no matter what. They will never let me down, whatever I decide to do in life they will support me. It make me happy to see childern have differnt kind of toys because alot of childern parents cannot afford them.

    1. I agree with you because, my family supports me in eveything I do too.

  8. I cherish my mother and grandmother. My most prized possession is my phone.My mother and grandmother are important to me because they are the ones that believe in me when no one else did. They care the one's I can depend on and they love me regardless. My phone is important to me because it does everything I really need. I love talking on and getting on social websites. My phone does most of everything

  9. It amazed me when seeing all the different children from around the world having the variety of toys.Each and every child should have a little happiness within their life's. I cherish my I pad even though I don't have any wifi around I still wake up in the morning with it. My most prized possessions are my family and friend I love them with all my heart and I'll do anything to protect them and I know deep down they will do the same for me

  10. As I viewed the pictures of many different children from a vareity of ethnical backgrounds, it really touched my heart seeing the toys that they had to play with. Some kids had many and some had just one to play with. There was some toys that I thought that wasn't appropriate for any child. No child should have fake guns to play with as a toy. The parents shouldn't allow the child to even look at a fake gun but some kids don't have a choice all because of their environment. I'm pretty sure those kids are grateful for their toys though. My most prized possession is my mother. She is still on this earth for a reason and it's because God has work for her do. I love her more and more each day that God allows her to see another day because she should've been dead and gone but God saw fit to keep her a little while longer. My mommy means so much to me. She is my motivation.

    1. This is so touching April. I feel the same way about my mother and grandmother.

  11. The pictures showed that children are less fortunate than others and they don't or can't have what they see other children have. My most prized possessions are my mother and my grandmother. I say this because, they keep me on track and keep me from making the same mistakes that they did. And they motivate me to do the right things at all times. I wouldn't trade neither one of them for NOTHING in the world. They mean everything to me.

  12. While observing the pictures, i noticed that some kids had alot of toys and some had one to five items of toys. All the kids seem happy, but dont look as happy as the other kids with lots of toys. I think all kids should be apprecitive of what they have even if its not as much as someone elses.

  13. While observing the pictures; i noticed that some kids from different parts of the world didn't have as much as others in the world. Some kids had alot and some had almost none at all. Most of the kids seem happy about the toys they had but for the ones that didn't have alot i know they wish they could have more. I believe that all kids should be happy with what they have because some people don't have or get as much as them.

  14. When I was going through the pictures I noticed that in different countries such as Haiti, Tangawizi, Botswana, etc. have less toys than others because of their culture and where they are from. I think each child should be able to play with the same toys as others. I also see that they are all happy with what they have and are all apprecative of what they have. I believe that everyone should always be happy with what they have and accept all they can. No matter who you are, where you come from, how much you have, etc. you should be thankful to have something because there are other people who don't have anything or can't get as much as we can, or can't afford much, so never be mad because you can't always get what you want/have your way just be happy. Doing all times you should tell the people that's doing for you, buying you something, or whatever THANK YOU with a big smile and even a hug or kiss. ALWAYS BE THANKFUL no matter how big or small the prize is and never forget that.

  15. As I was going through the pictures, I notice how some kids received less toys to play with then other kids. I believe we all should be thankful for the toys we have received in the USA. Also not just being thankful for receiving toys but being thankful for everything that was giving to you.
