Monday, February 25, 2013

What's on family dinner tables around the World?

View "What the World Eats" photos and give your thoughts and opinions.  Discuss the differences that you see and the factors that might cause the different varieties of food among the families.


  1. I feel bad for those who don't have much to eat and those who are living in poverty. I wouldn't want to be in that type of situation. For those who have a lot of food and a home, should cut back on some of the snacks and sweets they eat. It's not healthy for them or the children that live in the home.

  2. based on the different families I've seen today , I can say that there are numerous different families and they all have a different way of eating. I mostly seen families around the world eating bread, vegetables, and fruits. In the United States, they seemed to have had the most junk food such as snacks, pizza, and Restaurants Overall , the United States has the largest obesity rate. In my opinion if , families from the United States start eating more vegetables and fruits the obesity rate will decrease.

  3. The difference of the foods people eat around the world are so different from other cultures. Some people are basically only allowed to eat mostly beans and drink water, while on the other hand some are eating bread, fruits& vegetables, and seafod such as fish, and the others are mostly eating junk food, pizza, mcdonalds, burger king (Fast foods), and drinking soads. In some situations some people may not have the same abilities as others and cant get as much, such as food, drinks, tables, etc. I feel as if everyone should be able to eat and drink what ever they want and everyone shoud be comfortable with chairs, tables, and even comfortable places to eat. Everyone should be happy with what they eat and the dinner time they spend with their families and friends.

  4. For those who have the ability to eat how much they want to and whenever, should give more to the ones that dont. The ones thats living in a great amount of poverty. Its very bad to eat sweets but also so to eat little.

  5. The differences I see in the photos are that the people in the United States eat more junk food then any other country in the world. Which they eat more health food and make do with what they have even if they don't have alot. Some families in the photos didn't have as many different items of food like I thought they would have had. I'm sure if people in the United States could switch places with any other country then we will eat how they eat and they would be eating the way we eat now.

  6. by looking at all the varieties of food from different cultures can have a person like "man they eat too much or too little" when at the same time we fail to realize or think about the reasons why people eat what they eat, yes, it maybe un healthy but maybe that person need to eat certain foods to stay alive or they can be alergic to alot of things...can we help? yes we can. for example, the poor, they may not eat as much or as healthy because they can't affored it, but we as team and community can help change that by giving, and at the same time we will be saving more than just one life. it would mean the world to those that can't afford and it will help the over eaters to saty more healthy.

  7. Looking at the pictures make me thankful for what I have. There are some people that have it more difficult than we do. Like they don’t have a good amount of food on their table to support their whole family, and some people don’t even have a table to sit down and eat with their family. They can only live off what they have and they aren't fussing about it. But we on the other hand fuss just because we don’t get some like we want it. People around the world eat different some like fish some like fruit and vegetables and other like bread and we like junk food. We are so thankful for the things we have because we could have been like them.

  8. The differences between some of the other cultures that they eat different from most of us. Like some people from different cultures eat beans, rice, spices, and drink water. My culture wouldnt eat beans,and just rice because we're not used to that we are used to junk food and food that tastes right. Some other cultures may just eat vegetables all the time and seafood, unlike some of us. I feel as if everyone is happy with who they are & what they eat.

  9. From what I've seen all different cultures eat a different type of way. For example Italy people eat mostly bread &' African people really don't have much too eat all they have is little things such as beans &'rice. People in the united states should be more thankful for all we have because we have it good and have plenty to eat unlike other cultures.

  10. I think that people should give half of their food instead keeping it, let the people who doesn't have food know that there are others who give to those who suffer God will bless you for it

  11. Based on the different types of families I have seen, that there are many different types of food they eat. On some families tables there were bread, rice, beans, fish,veggies,fish, and fruits. But overall, as I've seen the United States of America seemed to have a whole lot of not needed foods like junk food. There was pizza not that many veggies on their table though. So in all people all over the world have many ways of eating...

  12. cookie mosters loves cakeFebruary 27, 2013 at 2:14 PM

    By looking at them families all over the world makes me sad because we have more than them, and if I could I would get up enough food to send all over the world to the people in need.

  13. From viewing the slideshow, I've noticed that there was many different ethnical groups and they all have certain foods that they eat. Most of the families have similar foods and some families have more to eat then others but I know they survive. Some areas in the United States don't grow vegetables or grains so that's why some families have less foods than others. The different families foods depend on their climate and culture.

  14. Basically from the slide show I see that everyone around the world eat differently, from the United States to Africa they eat mostly bread and vegetables and healthy nutrition food, but people from the United States such as were I am from, we eat junk food like pizza candy and all kind of stuff that’s not healthy but everyone eat different and have their own variety of food that they like and they also have a different way of sitting down eating there food like me and my family sit and eat at the table but some people like people from Africa don’t have tables they use cloths to sit and set their food on the ground because they have their own culture like everyone else.

  15. Form the viewing of the slideshow, I seen different families and food. Some family was eating healthy and some eat junk food that is not good for them.On some piture the families don't really have nothing to eat but beans, seeds,water.

  16. Looking at the differnt foods from these pictures, I noticed everybody doesn't eat the same way. Some families like to eat junk food such as pizza, chips and they like to drink alot of soda. Other families like to eat healthy foods such as bread, vegetables and they drink alot of water. One of the main factors that causes the many varitires of these countries are their cultures. In some cultures, you cannot eat junk food like that while in other countries they really dont care what you eat.
