Friday, November 8, 2013

"It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"

African Proverb

There is a saying "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"
What does this saying mean to you? Do you think it is true? Why or why not?


  1. "It takes a Village to Raise a Child" what the following saying means to me is it takes more than one person to raise an teach a child the way's of life. Yes i believe its true. Why because a child can face many obstacles and circumstances during their life, and is taught by the wrong and right way to go about it.

  2. "It takes a village to raise a child." It means that it takes more than one person to raise one particular person. Having more than one person that raises you will give you more of a range to form in life. The people you surround yourself with will help you and teach you the correct ways to go along with life. This is true because you have more than person telling you about life and what life has to offer. Its a beautiful thing to experience new things when you have a big "village" to share it with.

  3. I think the proverb, "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" means that where children is successfully developing in a physical, social, cognitive, and emotional stance. Parents or other relatives teach the child to become one better human. The important part of teaching the child is morals.

  4. A village which is all of us we all should take part in helping raise the young children. We are all charged with the responsibilty to lift them all up with our knowledge, skills, love, care and help. Our community which includes friends family and even the anonymous are all part of our village everyone and everything counts we are all positive influences during children growth it takes us all to help children achieve their goals. Yes it really does take a village to raise a child !!

  5. "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child". To me I think its true because it takes more than one person to teach a child the ways of life. A child comes upon many different experiences and circumstances during their life and often times, it is taught by someone else the right and wrong thing to do. Also to include I think that it's parents and other family members that teach the child to become a better person in life.

  6. The saying "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" to me means that it takes a family to raise a child, which means it takes a mother and a father, stepmother or stepfather, and a guardian to help raise the child and make sure that the child is taken care of and also make sure that the child has a bonding relationship with their parents, step parents, or guardians. In the saying the word "Village" is being used, to me "Village" means family because it does take more than one person to raise a child especially if you are a single parent. Even though I do not have a child I know that it is hard for a single parent to raise a child on their own without any help. There are plenty of single parents in this world and I know that it can be or it is stressful for them, I truly think that the saying "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" is 100 percent true because it really does takes more than one person to raise a child and make sure that the child is properly raised and well taken care of.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It takes a village to raise a child means to me is that it takes your surroundings, community, church, school, and home basic instruction to form a person's identity. What you do and how you act, reflects on how you were raised.

  9. The saying "It Takes A Village To Raise A Child" is a true statement because, it means that you act the way you are raised. Your environment tells a lot about you. For example, if you are surrounded by a positive environment then you would have more of a positive attitude. Where you are from doesn't make you who you are, you can always change if you want to. People are raised differently from each other and are in different types of environments but the don't act the same and don't always have that negative image about themselves.

  10. " It takes a village to raise a child" means to me that it takes the family to take good care of the child. It takes the proper love and compassion to lead the child to the way of life.

  11. "It takes a Village to Raise a Child" This quote is saying that it take more than one person to teach a child about life. Having more than one person that raises you will give you more in life. The people that surround you will help you and teach you the correct ways to go in life. This is true because you have more than person telling you about life and what is will bring to your future.

  12. The saying "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" means to me that it takes a community, school, neighborhood, and home/ family. I find this statement to be true because it takes more than one person or places to teach and raise a child of the future. The children are the future so without a village or a place to live to grow then they may end up going down the wrong path and that is something we wouldn't want to happen to a child. This is why I find this statement true.

  13. "It takes a village to raise a child" means that it takes more than one person to raise a child. A child needs to learn things from more than one person. A child should not be raised by a single parent. They weren't created by one person so why should they have to be raised by one person. It takes more than one person to teach a child everything they should know about life. I find this quote to be very true.

  14. "It takes a village to raise a child", to me this means that it does take more than one person to raise a child. A child has never just learned from one person. As a child grows, he/she learns from ll around her. It takes more than one person to raise and teach a child. A child will learn from more than one person. It truly does take a village to raise a child because no one child learns from just one person.

  15. I think the saying is true because a child can not only learn from one person. A child looks up to a lot of people, when they one person or some people they admire doing wrong they will follow into your foot steps. guide a child the right way.
